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The Discovery of Time - Part III

Br. Lawrence Mary

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

Where Did Billions of Years Come From?

A Review for 3MI by Br. Lawrence Mary of The Man Who Found Time by Jack Repcheck - Part I Part II

3MI Newsletter from September 6th, 2024

Click below to listen to an audio recording of the article.

We finish with our third and final part on the discovery of “time”. Our investigation into the naturalist victory in the artificial and fable based “discovery of deep time” will show that the influence of Hutton cannot be understated. Even the well-known freemason, Erasmus Darwin, author of the infamous two volume book, Zoonomia, (placed on the Index in 1818) was absorbing the philosophical based writings of the Man who discovered time.

Once the half-life of radio isotopes was discovered, they were used to "date" various rock formations and "proved" that the earth was at least 3.3 billion years old. Those who have studied this method of dating rocks, which assumes that the elements exist in a closed system, know that the precise ratios of the original radioactive isotope to the end product cannot be accurately calculated. No such closed systems exist, but these practitioners are able to convince the general public, who do not understand their methodology, and their own followers, who are the true believers, that their extravagant numbers are correct.

A representation of Radiometric Dating

Erasmus Darwin, Charles's grandfather, was favorable to evolution, but like others who believed something similar, he could not make it fit into the belief of a young earth. Erasmus visited Edinburgh several times and was intrigued by Hutton's hypothesis, because it gave him hope that evolution could be used to undermine religious belief after all, an idea which he promoted to his family when he returned to England. All of these men were seeking a way, any way, that would provide a story of the origin of the world and of living creatures that would eliminate a Divine Creator.

Erasmus Darwin, by Joseph Wright, 1770; National Portrait Gallery, London

As mentioned above, Charles Darwin came to fully accept Hutton's ancient earth hypothesis.

"The first and arguably most important insight for Darwin on his journey of discovery was that the earth was old beyond calculation; how else would evolution have had time to work? And that is James Hutton's ultimate contribution."[1]

Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology which promoted Hutton's ancient earth hypothesis and belief in slow, uniform processes, became wildly successful.

"The success of Lyell's Principles of Geology was so pronounced that the biblical geologists and catastrophists finally threw in the towel.... The Huttonian revolution was won, and the discipline of geology, finally freed from the blinkers of catastrophes, deluges, and universal oceans, could now get on with the difficult task of determining just what had occurred over the incredible expanse of geologic time."[2]

Modern day Edinburgh, Scotland

Because it is impossible to be tested and confirmed experimentally, Evolution would forever be just a fairy tale, but the proponents wanted to cloak it in scientific terms and the notion of an ancient earth allowed them to obfuscate enough to do just that. Given a sufficient millions of years, they could assert anything as possible, or even probable. And joy-of-joys, if there were enough possibilities, they could eventually invent something called "probability theory" and pretend that enough possibilities lumped together "proved" that evolution was fact! They imagined that, given enough time, blind chance would eventually assemble various atoms and components into organized piles of molecules, and eventually into living, sentient beings.

The dogma of the new religion

No need for an Intelligent Creator. No need for God. Once the paradigm had shifted, and you continued to hold the view of a young earth, you would be shouted down or ignored in conferences and prevented from publishing anything contrary to the new doctrine in the prestigious scientific journals being edited by those same atheists, agnostics and rationalists. Like Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones, this cadre of godless elites could smile to themselves and say,

"The change has come. She's under my thumb."

[1] The Man Who Found Time, Jack Repcheck, Perseus Publishing, c. 2003, p. 198

[2] Ibid. p. 199



Our Lady of Victory_edited.jpg

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